Wednesday 6 June 2012

Pages 812-843

Oh Mon Dieu! We're heading into "Oliver Twist" territory again.

The little street urchin Gavroche is back, (did i mention he was another one of the Thenardiers children? I cant remember if i did or not.) and he's doing the things street urchins do when he runs into two young boys who have no home, and it's at this point i must ask any readers to prepare themselves for perhaps the biggest coincidence of the book!

The two boys are two more of the Thenardiers forgotten children! They were given away to a family when they were little so they don't remember their parents or siblings, one day the parents get arrested (for something i wasn't paying attention to, sorry) and the boys find themselves out on the street, which is where they run into their brother Gavroche, only they have no idea that they're all related.
I have to ask again Victor Hugo, are you sure you don't want to change the name of the book to Les Coincidence!

So Gavroche takes charge of the boys and takes them to live with him inside an elephant. That's right you heard me, He's been living inside an elephant!
I'm not making a word of that up, Gavroche has been living inside a statue of an elephant, i looked it up as well actually there really was a statue of an elephant in Paris at the time of this book, it was called The Elephant of the Bastille, you can google it if you don't believe me.

Oh and Gavroche also helps his father break out of prison during this time, only his father doesn't recognise him because he kicked him out years ago.

These pages have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the book, They're not bad it's just that they don't further the story at all, it's just another one of Victor Hugos little detours. I'm really getting quite sick of these actually. How many more can there be? There isn't even that much of the book left! I'm starting to think there isn't going to be a revolution at all in this book. 

Fuck you Victor Hugo  >:(

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