Thursday 21 June 2012

Pages 1110-1144

Marius is alive........Forgive me for not rejoicing but I'm stymied by a lack of caring about him.

Anyway he's alive after months of recuperating from gunshot wounds and i imagine all kinds of infections from being dragged through shit, once he's fit enough he's finally reunited with Cosette and thenValjean and Marius's grandfather agree to their marriage.

This is a little problematic at first since Valjean is still an ex con and if he reveals this then Cosette would not be able to get married to Marius (I'm so glad all this bullshit about social status isn't relevant nowadays), but Valjean is still a smart guy and he manages to fake some documents for Cosette so she's able to get married.
This by the way does FINALLY reveal to Cosette that Valjean isn't her real father, and does she question this? NO! OF COURSE NOT! Cosette, what the fuck girl? You've been calling this guy your father for ten years and when you find out he's actually not you don't even bat an eyelid? What the fucking hell is wrong with you?........Oh why am i even bothering to ask, she hasn't questioned anything before so why would she start now!

I'm gonna skip quickly through the wedding stuff in these pages because there's a lot going on and most of it's not that relevant, Basically Marius and Cosette get married and everyones happy, Mr Thenardier spots them all on the way to the wedding (Les Coincidence!) which is an important bit of info that will come up later. Valjean gives all his money to Cosette and Marius and the two of them move into Marius's grandfathers house and Marius is also obsessed with finding out who saved him from the barricades not realising that it was Valjean all along! Ummmm Marius.....Who the hell else could it be? you and Valjean are the only people who survived the entire thing and you cant figure out it was him who saved you! What the fucking hell is wrong with you! In fact, why hasn't Cosette figured out it was Valjean who saved him either? When Valjean came home all covered in shit that time didn't Cosette wonder why that was? Did she just assume he had taken a detour home through the sewers for fun? This isn't that hard to figure out people! What the fucking hell is wrong with you!

I really feel bad for Valjean during these pages, he goes to such extremes to ensure Cosette's happiness even at the expense of his own, and the stupid girl is too obsessed with Marius to even notice! He fakes an injury to his arm so that he wont be able to sign any wedding documents (because it would be illegal for him to do so since he's been using a fake name for years) which also means that he cant give Cosette away at her wedding. That is so fucking sad! The poor man is trying so hard to make sure Cosette never knows who he really is that he cant even bring himself to walk his little girl down the aisle, i challenge anyone to not find that utterly heartbreaking! Even i thought that was sad, and I'm dead inside.

Things get even more sad after the wedding when during all the festivities Valjean feels like he doesn't belong there and makes an excuse to leave, which Cosette barely notices! Shame on you Cosette, SHAME! This is your father, he's been looking after you for ten years and you barely notice his absence at your wedding, WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!

So whilst Marius and Cosette are busy "getting it on" after their wedding (which thankfully Victor Hugo describes in euphemisms because i really didn't want to read about that!) Valjean goes back to his house where he walks around the empty rooms for a while being all sad and mopey, then he opens up a box he's kept for years which contain the clothes he bought for Cosette when he rescued her from the Thenardiers and he lays them out on her bed and starts crying into them.
At first glance i thought this scene was going to start getting into creepy territory again, but actually..........This was the saddest fucking thing I've ever read in my life! Oh My God i feel so bad for Valjean at this point, his hearts completely broken at losing Cosette! I just wanted to reach into the book and give him a big hug. And i know I've said before that Valjean seems abnormally attached to Cosette but believe me when i say that this part of the book was genuinely sad.

Still i hope not all parents react like that when their children leave home, I especially hope mine didn't! Ugggggh, now that would have been creepy!


  1. "Les Coincidences" that describes about half the plot twists in this book!

  2. "Les Coincidences" that describes about half the plot twists in this book!
