Tuesday 19 June 2012

Pages 1104-1109

Javert kills himself!

You might have noticed I'm not wild about spoiler alerts in this blog, Come on people it's not like the book hasn't been out for over 100 years or the musical for nearly 30 years! If you don't know the story by now you never will.

So Javert kills himself. Why? because he doesn't know how to comprehend the idea that a convict could become a good man and he doesn't know how to react to having his life saved by Valjean.
What happened to this guy in his life that made him so cold and unfeeling? How can anyone see the world just as black and white, where people can only be law abiders or law breakers, life is not like that at all and to be honest you wont get very far in life if you really believe that.

I really don't understand this bit of the book at all, i didn't understand it in the musical either. Did he really have to kill himself just because Valjean was nice to him? Ummmm Javert, OVERREACTION MUCH!!!
There's no need to kill yourself just because everything you've ever believed in is now suddenly wrong, or because the rules you've tried your whole life to uphold are now suddenly pointless, or because a man you've tried most of your life to put back in prison showed you mercy........Hmmm, actually I'm starting to understand Javerts point of view.

But still it's no reason to throw yourself into a river! What's up with the men in this book, Why do they all take things way too seriously? They all need to have a beer and get laid, that would sort them all out good and proper.

This is all I'm going to say about this part of the book, Javert kills himself and I'm not sad about it. It's not like when Fantine or Eponine died when i actually cared about what they went through. I think it was a stupid thing to do and I'm not gonna grieve for a dumbass who couldn't see past his own stupid view of the world.

Plus Javert was kind of an asshole anyway!


  1. Given where Valjean has just come from, I have a theory. He's so covered in excrement that Javert gets it all over himself and he has to go straight home and wash so he agrees to let Valjean go. But even a good scrub can't get the stench of sewer off him so he jumps into the Seine in the hope that that will do the trick. And he accidentally drowns. It's not suicide, it's the action of a desperate, smelly man.
