Friday 1 June 2012

Pages 603-618

This is only a short bit of the book but i want to mention it anyway because my two favourite characters are back. Yay!

Marius likes to take walks in parks and he keeps seeing an old man and a young girl in the same place every day, (could this be Valjean and Cosette? I think it is! they came back sooner than i expected) Marius doesn't think much of them at first but after two years of this....(Seriously, they go to the same place every day for two years?? Christ i would get bored after a month) Marius suddenly finds the girl to be beautiful...... Hmmmm, I wonder what could have happened to Cosette in two years that makes her suddenly attractive to men? BOOBS! SHE'S GROWN BOOBS! THAT'S WHATS HAPPENED TO HER! You're a little perv Marius!
I should point out now that some time has passed in the book and Cosette is about 15 now and not a little girl anymore so it's OK for Marius to like her, even though he is 20..... it was a different time, it's all good!

Anyway the two youngsters keep exchanging glances but they never talk to each other and sometimes Marius is too shy to even look at her that he hides behind trees to watch her, and when he finds out where she lives he watches for her outside her windows. OK, what's up with all the men in this book!  can they all please STOP watching this girl when she doesn't know about it, it's creepy!
After a while though Valjean gets suspicious of Marius always looking at Cosette and one day when Marius goes to her house he finds that they are both gone.

Is there anything worse than young love? It's so sickening. Seriously Marius if you like this girl then make a move, stop watching her like a stalker and say something to her you dumbass. Or at least do the honourable thing and ask her fathers permission to court her you coward.
I think this aspect of the story was handled a lot better in the musical version......well faster at least.
I'm not really sure whats going on in the book at the moment and why Valjean and Cosette have disappeared, it's a lot different from the musical so far. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough though whats going on.

Oh my god I've just realised I've passed page 616, which means I'm officially halfway through the book now!

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