Friday 27 December 2013

From Stage To Screen

Hello readers, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas this year. (I didn't, but i never really do anymore. That's beside the point though, I'm not here to discuss my life)

Anyway, one of my presents this year was this awesome book which I've been wanting for ages.

If you haven't seen this book before it's basically about the history of the stage musical and has loads of info about how it came to be and all the productions of it around the world. The best thing about it though is all the pockets inside of it which contain all these awesome bits of Les Mis memorabilia, like replica programmes, original drawings of costumes, an original Broadway ticket stub, stuff like that. My favourite things though were the replica of Valjeans passport from the movie, and the tiny cardboard set with revolving wheel. It makes me want to get tiny cardboard characters and recreate the play with stop motion animation.

Happy New Year everyone, Vive La Revolution for 2014!!

Thursday 19 December 2013

I Hate You Laura Kalpakian

So I finished reading "Cosette: The sequel to Les Miserables" yesterday. What did I think of it I hear you ask? Hmm......well I think it's safe to say I didn't like it! I don't want to review it though, that would be giving it too much credit, instead I've decided to tell the author exactly how i felt about it.

Dear Laura Kalpakian,

You don’t know me, but I really fucking hate you. I hate you because of the piece of shit sequel you wrote to Les Miserables. Believe me I would have hated you anyway for daring to write a sequel to Les Miserables in the first place, but the fact that the book happens to be a complete pile of shit makes it easier to hate you. (I assume shit is your favourite word by the way seeing as you used it about 20 times a chapter in your book. Seriously, learn a new word.)   

I could hate you purely on the grounds that your book was badly written, or that most of it was just a shameful rip off of Victor Hugo's novel, (You might not know this Laura, but a sequel is not supposed to be a carbon copy of the original, it’s supposed to be a continuation of the story) or I could hate it just because I find it offensive that someone other than Victor Hugo thought they could write a sequel to his most famous book. 

But actually, I find I hate you for more personal reasons. I hate you because you hurt someone I care about. Yes she may be fictional, but I really care about Cosette and when I see her life getting totally fucking destroyed it pisses me off. Victor Hugo may have pissed me off with his endless detours, but I’ve never felt as much hate for an author as I did when I read your book.

I would really like to know why you chose to hurt Cosette the way you did. Had she not already suffered enough for you in Les Miserables that you thought the rest of her life had to turn to shit as well?

Why would you make her feel ashamed about her past? So much so that she would be terrified of Marius finding out about it. Why would you have Marius admit that when he first met Cosette he sometimes just wanted her body more than he loved her? Thanks a lot for shitting all over Victor Hugo’s innocent love story! You really have no idea how those two felt about each other do you? Why would you make Cosette have a miscarriage? Why would you let her get shot? Why would you make her think her husband was dead for months on end? Was it not enough that she’d lost her father you had to make her suffer the loss of Marius too? Why did you turn her son into an ungrateful little shit who betrayed his family? And why in Gods name would you have her son marry the daughter of Azelma Thenardier? In fact why the fuck did you have to bring any of those evil cunts back anyway? Was that necessary? Their story was finished, and you didn’t even get Azelmas personality right. (Or the spelling of her name either you idiot, if you’re going to rip off Victor Hugos work at least have the decency to learn the characters names.)
Speaking of which, what the fuck was the point of all those references to Victor Hugos other works you included in this book? They were just stupid. A word of advice Laura, don’t try to be "Meta" unless you’re witty and clever enough to use it properly you idiot.

What possessed you in the first place to write a sequel to Les Miserables? I’m genuinely intrigued by that. Les Mis is a work of art; the book you wrote is a piece of shit. I don’t even want it in my house now that I’ve finished with it, it’s not worthy of going on my bookshelf next to Les Mis. I want to burn it so that there’s one less copy in the world.

Reading this book made me feel like someone I love was being tortured right before my eyes, it hurt me to read it and I hate you for making me suffer because of it. I hate you for destroying the life of someone I care about.
You clearly have no respect for any of the characters in Les Mis, especially Cosette; otherwise I don’t believe you would have done half the horrible things to her as you did. I don’t understand why anyone would want to hurt her. You don’t know what she means to me, you don’t know what any of the characters in Les Mis mean to me.  I love them, even the ones I hate I still love them because they’re all part of something better than themselves. Victor Hugo was able to make me feel like that because he knew how to write a fucking novel, he knew how to make you care about someone, even if they are fictional. You clearly have no idea how to do that because all you are is a writer of bad fanfiction! Which actually I think is an insult to fanfiction since I’ve read many fanfics that were far superior to your piece of trash, but those writers weren’t so big headed as to think they could pass their stuff off as a sequel you rank arrogant amateur!

Seriously Laura Kalpakian, do yourself a favour and never write another novel. I haven’t read you’re other books and I’m never going to, I don’t need to. At best this piece of trash you wrote made me feel indifferent, at worst it made me feel like I wanted to kill you. It was pointless of you to write it and it’s even more pointless to read, I can only take solace in the fact that I’m not the only person in the world that hates this book, a quick Google search confirms that the majority of people who have read it agree that it’s a piece of shit.

OK, i think you've taken up enough of my time and energy now. It gives me great pleasure to say that I shall never speak of this book again. It's not worthy of it, it means less than nothing to me. You mean less than nothing to me as well Laura, so in the spirit of this blog I’m going to close this letter by simply saying this...

Fuck you Laura Kalpakian, Fuck you!


Sunday 8 December 2013

Les Miserables: The Sequel

Apologies for the lack of new posts lately, not much has really happened with me and Les Mis since the movie came out and i saw it on stage. To be honest there's only so much mileage I can really get out of one subject and I thought i had already said everything i could about Les Miserables.

However this week i found something, something I didn't think actually existed, i thought it was just a myth, the stuff of nightmares......... but apparently it's real.


I found this book this week and if you don't know what it is it's the terrible unofficial sequel to Les Miserables that was written in 1995. 
How do i know it's terrible? Well firstly because IT'S A FUCKING SEQUEL TO LES MISERABLES!!! It doesn't need a sequel, it's perfect as it is, why ruin it by making a sequel? Also i know that she was one of the few characters to survive the book but who the hell thought it would be a good idea to base a novel around Cosette? I love her, but even i admit she's not the most interesting of characters.
If you need proof of this books reputation just do a google search for it and you'll soon find out how much hate this book gets. I don't even need to read it to know it's bad, it sounds like bad fan fiction and i know a little about bad fan fiction, believe me!

I am not looking forward to reading this at all, i feel like this could ruin everything I've come to love about Les Mis :(

Thursday 21 November 2013

Les Miserables: Live!

Yesterday I finally did the one thing left in my journey throughout Les Miserables, I finally saw it live on stage in London.

Oh my God it was so amazing! I don't feel I can even describe the excitement I felt seeing it live and with the sets and the music and the costumes. It was just brilliant! I knew it had a revolving set, but I never knew to what extent it was used, It was so cool! It did make me a little dizzy at first, but I got used to it after the first few songs.

My only complaint I have about the whole show was that it felt a little rushed, It was 3 hours long but it still felt like the actors were rushing through the songs too much. I felt it could have been paced a little slower.

I'd really love to show some clips of the show, but obviously i could record any of it. There's really no way i can describe how good the show was, it's just something you have to experience for yourself. I'm so glad I've finally seen it live now, I still really love the movie and will continue to watch it over and over again but i cant wait to go back to the theatre and see it on stage again, and i know i will be back soon i can tell you that!

It's a real shame that you cant buy DVD copies of the show on stage. I have the anniversary editions, but they're not the same because you don't get to experience all the sets. I don't see why they cant sell a filmed version of the show at the theatres so that people who came to see the show can take home a copy of it. What would be the problem with that? I don't know why they don't do that.

Since i couldn't take any pictures of the show going on, here's a random few of the day i had at the theatre. (Because I'm weird and i want to show you proof that i went!)

This was a cool Les Mis Rosette I bought off Ebay to wear to the show. It's pretty isn't it!

These were some of the cool Les Mis pictures inside the theatre. I really love the middle one, i want it for my house!

I got some French coloured M&Ms to enjoy whilst I watched the show. (Actually, they were union jack coloured, but let's keep that a secret!)

I got myself a cool Les Miserables T-shirt too at the gift shop!
Memories of the day. My shirt, the programme for the show and a cool souvenir  photo book too!

See, i really was there!!!

Saturday 26 October 2013

Les Miserables: The video game!

Les Miserables has been a novel, a musical, it's been adapted into many films and even a Japanese anime series. But there’s one medium in which I never thought I’d see it made into. A video game!

I discovered this piece of “merchandise” on Ebay; it cost me £5.99 and believe me that’s far more than it’s worth! I read some reviews of it on before I purchased it and they all said the same thing, that it was a boring, pointless game obviously rushed out to make some money of the recent film adaptation. I should have listened to those reviews and not wasted my money! But I was curious so I bought it anyway, if nothing else I thought it would make a good topic for this blog.

I think my main problem with it has to be the fact that out of all the characters in Les Mis they could have based a game on, they based it on Cosette. WHY??? Why base it on the least interesting character in the entire novel???  Someone had a choice out of characters like Valjean, Javert, Eponine, Enjolras and his mates and the story of the June rebellion, but they decided to base a game around the orphan kid who does absolutely nothing In the entire story! That’s mind boggling! Fuck even Gavroche would have been a better choice!
And don't get me wrong, I love Cosette, I really do. But if you've read this blog I'm sure you realise that i'm the first to admit that she really doesn't do anything in Les Mis, there's many many characters that would have made a better game.

At least the graphics were good in it, I couldn’t fault it there. The designers did a good job making little Cosette look like she does in the novel. Although I’m curious why they appear to have used Paris Hilton as the model for grown up Cosette??

Really though, this game didn’t even have anything to do with Cosette, it's just one of those basic hidden object games which I have played dozens of before. If you go into any branch of Game you’ll find tons of these kind of games and they’re all the same, they give you a list of things to find, you find them, there’ll be some text on the screen and then you find more things. This game didn’t even attempt to add any kind of challenge to it either, they could have at least added a time limit to the levels to make it harder, or made the objects in some way harder to find! This was really one of the easiest games I’ve ever played.

It wasn’t even fun, and that’s kind of the first thing I want out of a game. It has to be fun! I should have known this game was gonna suck just from the very first screen that popped up. Check this crap out…

Notice anything wrong with that text? Yeah OK you might not be as obsessed with Les Mis as I am, but that date is completely wrong, I’m pretty sure Fantine was already dead by 1826! Why did I even continue after this? This says to me that someone thought it would be a good idea to make a game based on Les Miserables but they didn’t think it was a good idea to do a simple bit of fucking research beforehand! This is just laziness! 

In fact that’s the best way I can describe this game, lazy! Imagine the possibilities there could be if someone made a real attempt at a Les Mis game, there are so many better characters that could make a really interesting game. How cool would it be to play an adventure based game where you played as Jean Valjean? That’s a potentially interesting idea, not this bullshit where all you do is find hidden objects!

This really was one of the crappiest things ever to have the name Les Miserables on it, I don’t even think it’s worthy enough to bear the Les Mis name, I don’t know what they were thinking when they came up with this idea. It could have been fun if they’d put just a little more effort into it, maybe actually given the player something more to do than just click on things. It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever played, but it definitely could have been better.

I suppose there was one thing I did like about it though, there were these random glowing butterflies hidden in the game and if you clicked one you got given a Les Mis fact. That was kind of entertaining. I already knew most of them but it was a nice addition to the game.

If you happen to come across this game I cant recommend you buy it, if you're a hardcore Les Mis fan and want to own everything that's related to it then go ahead but I assure you it's a real waste of time.

(Oh and one more thing, the box claimed this game had 8+ hours of gameplay! Yeah, I managed it in less than 2 hours, and that’s including the time I took making screenshots for this blog and bathroom breaks. Seriously….. 8 hours??? Who would play this for 8 hours)

Saturday 19 October 2013

The one thing I still have to do

So.....I saw Les Miserables in cinemas 20 times, I've read the novel twice, seen 6 different film adaptations of the book (although I only thought 4 were worthy of review) and I have 3 copies of the musical soundtrack. But there's still one thing I haven't done, I haven't seen the musical live on stage.

Well that's all about to change in one months time!!! :D Because thanks to a very lovely friend of mine I now have a ticket to go see Les Miserables live on stage in London!!!

Yeah!!! Check out that baby! Sure I'll be in the cheap seats, but I don't care, it's the one thing left I still have to do in my ongoing journey through Les Miserables, perhaps after this I can finally stop talking about it!

Sunday 8 September 2013

4 Flaws that stop Les Miserables from being perfect

Nothing is ever perfect, there’s neither a book nor movie in the world that is completely free from error. In fact I think it would be of some extreme arrogance if something claimed to be completely perfect. Hell, "Citizen Kane" is supposedly the greatest movie ever made and that has one of the most glaring plot holes of all time in it! And have you ever read “Carrie” by Stephen King? That has more holes in it than Swiss cheese!
Anyway, I reckon Les Miserables is perhaps the greatest novel and musical of all time, but is by no means perfect. With that in mind I’ve compiled a list of some of the errors and plot holes I’ve noticed in Les Mis that stop it from earning the crown for awesomest thing in the world, which it bloody well should have!! (This isn’t a countdown like my other lists by the way, none of these flaws bother me more than the others, the order is just the order I wrote them in).

  •   Fantine is still desirable as a prostitute despite the fact she has no hair or teeth

OK I admit this is slightly distasteful of me to point out, but does anyone else think it’s kind of a flaw in the story of Fantine that even after she’s had her head shaved and her teeth pulled out men still want to pay to have sex with her? This is more of a flaw in the musical, as the passage of time is almost nothing compared to the book where her downfall takes place over several months. I would imagine in that amount of time her hair would have grown back again and she might have even looked attractive again, but in the musical, and the recent movie adaptation especially, it seems like everything happens to her in the space of a day. It’s probably more of just a flaw in the timing of the movie, but it still bothers me.
Yeah I know that not all prostitutes look like Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman” and most men who are willing to pay for sex aren’t going to be that picky, but I personally think it’s ridiculous that if she’s supposed to be so unattractive and downtrodden men would still pay to get off with her.

  •   The time it took for Valjean to rescue Marius from the barricade

This is a flaw in both the book and the recent movie; I’ll explain what I mean by it. In the movie Gavroche goes to Valjean to deliver a letter from Marius at the barricades, and it’s night time at that point, that same night Valjean goes to the barricade to find Marius, it’s daylight again when all the lads at the barricade die and when Valjean drags Marius into the sewers. HOWEVER it’s night-time again when Valjean eventually gets out of the sewers, which means that Valjean left Cosette alone in their house for AN ENTIRE DAY without so much as a note saying where he’d gone. He could have been shot dead at that barricade, why would he take such a big risk with his life and not even leave Cosette any instruction of what to do if something were to happen to him?
That’s a big enough flaw as it is, but I think what makes it an even bigger flaw is that no one even mentions this for the rest of the movie! Did Cosette not think to ask where her father had been all day and why exactly he was covered in shit when he eventually came home? And why did Marius not realise sooner that Valjean was the one who had saved him considering they were the only two people who survived the barricades? Oh dear lord the levels of flaw just go deeper and deeper! I’m actually starting to question if Les Miserables is actually as good as I think it is!

  •   Cosette doesn’t remember anything about her past

Poor Cosette, she keeps showing up on these lists of mine. It’s her own damn fault though! I do like to keep bringing this up don’t I? But one of the biggest flaws in Les Mis is the fact that Cosette doesn’t remember a thing about her life before Valjean rescued her from The Thenardiers. It would be a lot easier to forgive this flaw if say she was younger when Valjean got her, but at eight years old there’s no excuse for forgetting these things. Especially when you consider the fact that she had been living with The Thenardiers for six years, which was most of her life at that point!
It makes even less sense in the latest movie, because during one scene she clearly states that she remembers being lost in the woods when she was a child, yet earlier in the film she was stood right in front of Thenardier and she didn’t recognise him. A little consistency in her character is all I ask! Cosette is either exceptionally good at repression, or she’s just incredibly stupid, and I could go either way in that regards.

I think this flaw bothers me so much because I find it to be a real insult to anyone who’s ever suffered abuse in their life. Just because the pain stops it doesn’t mean the bad memories go away so easily, I don’t care how good your life is afterwards you wouldn’t be able to just forget that stuff in an instant, Six years of physical and mental abuse as a child is enough to fuck someone up severely for the rest of their life, and I think Les Mis would have been a lot better, or at least more realistic if they just once showed Cosette dealing with some of that trauma. Not everyone who suffers gets such a happy ending; life just doesn’t work like that unfortunately.

  •  Valjean made the wrong decision to turn himself in

This isn’t really a flaw per se, or a plot hole, or really an error of any kind, but I’ve been dying to bring this up for ages I just couldn’t find a way of shoehorning it in anywhere. I probably should have put it on my list of things that piss me off, but I forgot about it.

I have a real problem with the way Jean Valjean handled the situation he found himself in when he thought another guy was going to go to prison because of him. I really think he made the wrong decision in deciding to turn himself in, mainly because it wasn’t just his life at stake; there were other people to consider.
First of all there was Fantine and Cosette; I think those two needed Valjeans concern more than a common thief who had the misfortune to be caught. I’m not saying it wasn’t noble of Valjean to reveal his identity, but I think there was probably other ways of handling it. Fantine was dying and Valjean knew bloody well that she didn’t have a lot of time left and if he hadn’t spent so much time fucking around trying to decide what was morally right to do Fantine wouldn’t have died such a horrible lonely death. Yes it was already too late to save Fantine, but it wasn’t necessary to make her suffer even more than she already had was it?  I actually recently re-read Les Miserables and I found myself a lot more upset at Fantines suffering and death than I was the first time I read it, mostly because I knew what was coming and I found it very distressing that she had no idea how bad things were going to get. Valjean should have gotten Cosette to her in time and not prolonged her suffering, that would have been a much better use of his time.
I do feel bad for the guy who got caught stealing and was mistaken for Valjean, but I really don’t think Valjean should have felt so guilty about it. Whatever decision that guy made he was an adult and he chose to steal, Fantine did not choose to have everyone shit all over her, that was something that was done to her by other people.

It’s not even just about Fantine either, there was an entire town that was relying on him and his ideas to survive and it all went to shit because of the decision he made. It’s not often I find myself quoting Star Trek, but for this example I find it necessary. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”, and in this case I find that quote to be very true, Valjean should have realised there was a greater need in his town than the needs of one guy. It’s all very well to be noble and to think you’re doing the right thing but I think sometimes you just have to throw someone under a bus to make things better for the majority. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh but it’s only what I think of that part of the novel and not for all of humanity.
Basically what I’m saying is that you can’t save everyone, and Valjean should have seen that there was a bigger need in his town than the need of just one guy.

There’s probably more flaws in Les Miserables than just these four, but to be honest I don’t want to be sat here all night poking holes in something I love. Although I think that may be what the Internet was actually invented for.
Apart from these four things I still think Les Miserables is awesome, you did a damn fine job Victor Hugo, you should be very proud!